Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Letter to Seminarians: Year of Faith

October 11th, The Year of Faith, 2012-13

Dear Brothers In Christ:

Praise the Lord! This past week, we were at clergy congress and had some fantastic talks on the New Evangelization. It was inspiring to hear our speakers! Today is the Year of Faith! We are launching the New Evangelization in the Diocese of Green Bay and the Universal Church! Although it was considered “announced” by JP II, the N.E. had not been “launched” officially. Polemics! In 2002, as a seminarian, I felt God calling me to evangelize as soon as possible. He gave me a mission statement, “To encounter Jesus Christ, foster Catholic Christian community through expedition retreats of prayer, proclamation of the Gospel and outdoor adventure.” In between regular classes, formation duties and summer assignments, I took it upon myself as a serious obligation to bring the Gospel to young people in a tangible and accessible ways.

My challenge to you is to do the same. Often, the status quo can begin to sink in and we go about doing what is required of us without seeing the possibilities of the more that can happen! I have witnessed many of your responses to evangelization, but there is always room for improvement and increased zeal. Yes, you have courses to attended, books to read and meetings to sit through. These are important requirements of engagement in formation. However, we must always be consistent and persevering in undergoing tasks that can directly bring the Gospel message to fruition. Some of you, as I've learned are painting icons others writing books about shrines, still others beginning new ministries within out Diocese like Totus Tuus. Brothers, let us continue! We must always be vigilant in asking God, “What is your will? How are you calling me to serve in the capacity of baptismal priesthood in the midst of pursuing the ministerial priesthood?

These ways are innumerable to say the least and varied to the degree of each of your separate and distinct personalities. A theme of the New Evangelization is, “Christian be who you are!” This could be interpreted as allowing our gifts to bear fruit in unique and varied ways within ministry. Never underestimate what God can do through you in these days of formation. He already is doing tremendous good through you, but is calling for more. This challenge of the New Evangelization is not optional, but a necessary component of reaching souls with the saving message of the Gospel as found in the Kerygma of the Book of Acts, chapter 1 & 2: “Jesus Christ is LORD!” Proclamation of that Message first happens within an interior drive that can not come from theological treatises or even from formation itself (as provided by the seminaries). This explosive “providential response” MUST come from within. It must come from an encounter with the living person of Jesus Christ. We most fully discover HIM through our conversation in prayer. Pray. Pray. Pray. Spend time with Him and He will lead you in the direction that is meant for you.

Enclosed is a small gift that I hope gives you encouragement. I used to see my mother pray this devotional as a youngster. You may already be familiar with this scriptural rosary, but if not, I exhort you to pray through these mysteries. The scriptures are the WORD of God and through this Word, we are given our individual missions in relation to our distinct vocations. Meditate on Mary's trek to Elizabeth as she traverses in haste to announce the Good News. Yes, there were obstacles and distances to travel, but nonetheless, she was not going to wait until the nativity to proclaim the saving message! She did not wait until, “ordination” to go in haste. She left RIGHT-AWAY! The New Evangelization has an urgency and calls us to live our lives at a pitch that transcends our sins and imbues us with a confidence in God's mercy, love and grace. Shame, guilt and fear have no stronghold upon us! I hope you enjoy this devotional and it be an inspiration to you to live your priesthood NOW. I pray that you have an awesome year of faith!

Homily on Marriage

Normally, I wouldn't post a homily like this, but perhaps it can be of help for those considering the sacrament of matrimony.  Or, for those who don't believe in marriage as being defined by God, maybe they can learn a bit from these words:

Brad and Taresa Wedding, October 6, 2012

Praise the Lord! Being ordained for six years now, I think I've heard it all. When you are younger you think you know it all, but soon realize that you don't know much of anything. There are innumerable times that I've heard arguments against scriptures, the Church and marriage itself. I can relate because when I was younger, I was the one making the same arguments!

Of course scriptures are old and antiquated. There isn't possibly anything that we can derive from them these days. In fact, let's not allow scriptures to be read any longer; even for their literary significance in Western Civilization. Let's not even read them in our schools or our Churches. They are just documents like any other documents of religious revelation...a book among books.

Of course the Church is medieval and archaic. There isn't anything in the Church that is relevant to our modern lives. It's just another sinful institution, there's nothing mystical about it. Besides, I can find find God out in the city park looking at an oak tree or watching a sunset. God is everywhere so why do I need to worship Him here on Sundays, in a church? Keep holy the sabbath day? Wasn't that just a suggestion God? You are loving and that's a pretty strict commandment to keep every Sunday. I'll just go once a month when I don't have anything better to do.

Of course, marriage is undefinable and follows no natural law. We can define it according to our own base passions and pursuits. We can indoctrinate our youth and teach that “domestic partners” can be substituted for husband and wife in our textbooks. It isn't an indissoluble institution between man and woman created for the purpose of procreation and unity. Father, how dare you defend this narrow and close-minded definition, you are being discriminatory. Today we say, “Let me do as I wish without God, without authentic love, without Truth. I will fashion my own truth according to my own wants; a truth among other truths. My creed is relevancy. I'm with Pilate on this one asking, “Truth? What is that?”

Rubish. Rubish. Rubish.

Contrary to popular secular belief, the Church does not claim to have a monopoly on truth. The Church invites the world to the defined fullness of Truth found in the person of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. He elicits a decision from us through His Church that is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The Church is not a sect of hate mongers and bigots. It is not a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners. Our claim is not to judge, but to build off the foundations of Christ's love for others. We can not possibly determine where our brother and sister is with the Lord as we sit side-by-side in this Church. That is only known the secret of our hearts with the One who loves. In fact, I find myself wrestling at times with this Truth which still confounds, but nonetheless, resign my will to the One who loves because it has brought JOY.

I do, however, know of a couple who is before us today that gives witness to the ever ancient and ever new reality that there is a LOVE that exists rooted in TRUTH. That, in fact, this love is at the heart of our existence and that love is the basis by which our reality is defined. GOD IS LOVE! His love willed all of us to into existence! Brad and Taresa, there will be the affluent, the wealthy, the folks who seemingly, “have it all together,” in the eyes of the world. There will be plenty of noisy gongs, clashing symbols who propose to know what love is. When that love becomes hard to find, there can be times when we, ourselves struggle with jealousy, pompousness, self-inflated pride, rudeness, and self-seeking interests. When we redefine love we become susceptible to quick tempers, to brooding over injury and rejoicing over wrong-doing. But when we embrace LOVE, the love which the Church proposes through Christ, we see that it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interest, it is not quick tempered, it does not brood over injury or rejoice over wrong-doing. This love of which we speak is the LOVE of Jesus; loaded with mercy and forgiveness. A LOVE that lays down its life for a friend. You are the first couple I've worked with who will pray the Litany of the Saints prostrate, laying down, symbolic of your sincere desire to lay down your wills to God and then to one another. BEAUTIFUL! BRAVO! This is a LOVE is your LOVE to have and to give today and forever. A LOVE for your friends and your enemies. A love which ascends to the heights of life, consumed with a love beyond all telling. This love bears all things, believes all things and endures all things! There is no cap on this love, no quota, no margin, no comparison. A love unconditional and eternally springing from the blood and water flowing from God himself hanging on a tree. A love that turns all is not of love into the gift of love. A love that consumes all hate, all jealously, all judging and even our dysfunction we call SIN. This love will not fail you even when you do and that is why it takes three to get married—God, Brad & Taresa.

This dynamic of the fullness of God's love has been distorted and twisted ruthlessly by manipulators of love through the ages. However, there are times like this, indeed, sacred times and special moments where LOVE is made manifest to us. Your love has is making love a living reality in this sanctuary! This love is found in three distinct and specific aspects that I want you to take note of today. I want you to apply your bond of love, your holy matrimony to this sacrament instituted by Christ to give grace. This love can be nourished by you through a proper understanding of scripture, the Church and the institution of marriage itself.

The scriptures are pregnant with meaning. They are alive as the baby within the womb is alive. Even though a mother can forsake her child, the Lord will never abandon His own. Nothing is beyond His mercy, love and forgiveness. Even when we dismiss life for convenient “Lexus-cage” realities of materialism and so called, “freedom of choice,” we become enslaved to our own remedial definitions of existence. WE ARE MADE FOR MORE! Scriptures point us to the more of what life is about!

Brad, take note...first reading. Tobiah arose from bed and says to his wife, “Sister get up and let us pray!” Get ready, Taresa, I can picture Brad doing this! He says, “I take my wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose.” Oh how we need men to live this more.

First, Tobiah initiates prayer. He leads. He takes the responsibility of being a man seriously. How often do we see masculinity dumbed down to an idiot dad or bumbling boyfriend portrayed on television. The man by nature is an instigator; he is built to give the gift physically and spiritually. He is not a coward hiding behind the guise of an immature X-box junkie wired to a smart phone to get a continual fix of ESPN. Men, this is not what you are created for! You are leaders of prayer, initiators of the gift of love. You are not the summation of depraved animal passions and instincts of lust. Created for love, you were manufactured by God to get your lazy, apathetic slothful selves out of bed to call others to prayer! Brad, you are a man of prayer. I've witnessed this and we need more Tobiahs in our world to stake a claim on the authentic meaning of masculine love. You will be a leader of prayer in your family. A husband seeking the noble endeavor of loving your wife, Taresa and your children. Learn these scriptures and apply their meaning into your daily life. Scriptures are the WORD of God, the last vestige of wisdom in and insane world.

The Church is pregnant with meaning. The Virgin Mary is analogous to the Church. She is the new ark of the covenant. She is the receptive vessel of God, who by submission of her will, allowed God to enter into the world. She is the prototype of the Church because she was the first to harbor the living God within her womb. She was impregnated not by man, but by the very living Spirit of God. And that is why she is called the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. As God dwells in our churches in the tabernacle, God first dwelt in the tabernacle of her womb. She was open to God's will allowing herself to be lead by love. She is the first Church.

Taresa, in a few moments, after sharing your intention and consent to marry and receiving Holy Communtion, you will walk with Brad over to to the mosaic of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and offer flowers to her. As the Church is the bride of Christ, receptive to the will of God, you will be called upon to submit your will to follow the lead of your husband in loving support. In a world filled with antagonism and competition between the sexes, you will offer a model that is more fitting of REAL LOVE.

In Cana of Galilee there was a wedding and the Mother of Jesus was there. Jesus had other plans, “My time has not yet come. Women, does your concern affect me?” O yes it does! The concern of the woman has a great impact only in the measure to which she cooperates and does not compete. Mary says, “Do whatever He tells you.” This the secret genius of femininity. Trusting in the lead and confident it His power, she can move mountains, transform cultures and ultimately bring about the changing of water into wine. Taresa, never underestimate the silent and humble resolves of Mary. A resolve and confidence that not only brought God into the world, but began the public ministry of His Son. In effect, her attributes began the mission of the Church itself! You will be the heart of your own domestic church. Stay close to the Church and see in the Church the love that floods into your lives together.

The institution of marriage is pregnant with meaning. Under attack by secularist, marriage must be seen as something even deeper than an institution. It is a sacrament, and outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. It is mystical and sacred demanding the best of our love. Brad and Taresa, you guys were jumping the gun to get married. I love that! Brad, I think that if you had the choice in the matter, you would have gotten married the day after you proposed. Both of you were focused and oriented toward the sacrament from the onset. In a day and age when young people haphazardly enter into this mystical union of matrimony without an acknowledgement of its sacredness, you have seriously prepared for it. What a blessing! What a breath of fresh air! Thank you!

Greg and Becky, Terry and Cindy, you have observed God's blessings upon this relationship as well. I am lead to believe that God seems to have, in His providence, brought you together. It seems so obviously to so many. This sacrament of matrimony will turn water into wine. It will impact the lives of others in a supernatural way. Brad and Taresa, you will express the fullness of what marriage is meant to be through a total, faithful, fruitful and free witness of LOVE.

Yes, people will have their own conceptions of scripture, of church, and marriage. But today, Brad and Taresa, in the past few months you have given us a glimpse of what these avenues of LOVE are meant to be. You now will be entering into the definitive definition of LOVE itself. Your spirit of love may run contrary to the ways of the world and your covenant in the TRUTH will bring suffering, but it will give light to those around you. As Jesus began these tremendous signs and wonders at Cana in Galileee and began to reveal God's glory to a hurting world, may you do so as well as participants in this LOVE rooted in scripture, church and marriage itself. May it help us to believe in HIM and follow HIM more closely.