Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Made it to Charleston!

Praise the Lord!  There is something liberating about hitting the road.  There is a freedom to follow the spontaneous Spirit of God!  Evangelization is linked to the informed and concise discipline of discipleship.  Listen up people!  Check this out:
"The passion for simply abiding in the company of Jesus, the need continually to be with Him in every sense of that verb, is the very heart of discipleship.  But how does one become a disciple?...Mature Christian freedom...is my total availability and obedience to the will of the all-wise God.  We may initially find any disciplinary structure difficult, but with time we may so internalize it and identify with it that it becomes a new and comfortable improved self-image.  But that would be too bad, because this accommodation would defeat the purpose of Christian discipline as a permanent instrument of openness to the work of the Spirit within us.  It is not enough by far to have taken radical initial steps of conversion and to be a reasonably observant and faithful Christian.  At the center of our being we must remain poor and free and available to God, rather than barricade ourselves through habit to the approaches of God's ever-surprising graces."  Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word by Brother Simeon

As JP II said, "break out of comfortable and routine modes of living!"  You see this what Ad Gentes is all about!  We no longer are shackled by the convenience of comfort and security.  Ad Gentes moves us out...to the PEOPLE.  An ever constant and vigilant watch of God's will in our lives.  This is what, at the heart of discipleship, produces the fruit that WILL LAST!  Brothers and sisters, this is NO TIME TO BE ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL.  We must go out!  We must proclaim the Gospel at the expense of our own limited scope of reality.  This breaking out and into the lives of others is the fuel that propels ministry; an ever dynamic shifting us into a regular stage of flux.

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