I haven't taken a Greyhound since college. This is certainly an interesting journey to say the least. There is something fascinating about the places of crossroads. There is something novel about it for me, but for those whose reality IS this, there is an appreciation for a different perspective of American life. For myself as a clergy, the "ecclesial bubble" is all too easy to fall into. Whatever you may say about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Father Marti Carr had this quote on his funeral card. Chardin says,
"I, your priest, will make the whole earth my altar and on it will offer you all the labors and suffering of the world."
I suppose it is at this Greyhound crossroad that should have the sober realization that the new evangelization is so far from being realized. That for all our talk of it, there is far to few of us really willing to live it out in the crossroads of life. GO OUT INTO THE MODERN METROPOLIS, the BY ROADS and invite everyone you know to the banquet of love which is the Eucharist. Such a simple invitation that we miss it in what we deem to be so important. Please dear God, help me to SEE amidst the self-aggrandizement of ministry, the wider scope; the grand view of life out on the crossroads. Help me to SEE that God is not limited to my own parochial view and IMPART to me the gift of vision to encounter YOU in ALL people. Amen.