Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Letter to Seminarians: Year of Faith

October 11th, The Year of Faith, 2012-13

Dear Brothers In Christ:

Praise the Lord! This past week, we were at clergy congress and had some fantastic talks on the New Evangelization. It was inspiring to hear our speakers! Today is the Year of Faith! We are launching the New Evangelization in the Diocese of Green Bay and the Universal Church! Although it was considered “announced” by JP II, the N.E. had not been “launched” officially. Polemics! In 2002, as a seminarian, I felt God calling me to evangelize as soon as possible. He gave me a mission statement, “To encounter Jesus Christ, foster Catholic Christian community through expedition retreats of prayer, proclamation of the Gospel and outdoor adventure.” In between regular classes, formation duties and summer assignments, I took it upon myself as a serious obligation to bring the Gospel to young people in a tangible and accessible ways.

My challenge to you is to do the same. Often, the status quo can begin to sink in and we go about doing what is required of us without seeing the possibilities of the more that can happen! I have witnessed many of your responses to evangelization, but there is always room for improvement and increased zeal. Yes, you have courses to attended, books to read and meetings to sit through. These are important requirements of engagement in formation. However, we must always be consistent and persevering in undergoing tasks that can directly bring the Gospel message to fruition. Some of you, as I've learned are painting icons others writing books about shrines, still others beginning new ministries within out Diocese like Totus Tuus. Brothers, let us continue! We must always be vigilant in asking God, “What is your will? How are you calling me to serve in the capacity of baptismal priesthood in the midst of pursuing the ministerial priesthood?

These ways are innumerable to say the least and varied to the degree of each of your separate and distinct personalities. A theme of the New Evangelization is, “Christian be who you are!” This could be interpreted as allowing our gifts to bear fruit in unique and varied ways within ministry. Never underestimate what God can do through you in these days of formation. He already is doing tremendous good through you, but is calling for more. This challenge of the New Evangelization is not optional, but a necessary component of reaching souls with the saving message of the Gospel as found in the Kerygma of the Book of Acts, chapter 1 & 2: “Jesus Christ is LORD!” Proclamation of that Message first happens within an interior drive that can not come from theological treatises or even from formation itself (as provided by the seminaries). This explosive “providential response” MUST come from within. It must come from an encounter with the living person of Jesus Christ. We most fully discover HIM through our conversation in prayer. Pray. Pray. Pray. Spend time with Him and He will lead you in the direction that is meant for you.

Enclosed is a small gift that I hope gives you encouragement. I used to see my mother pray this devotional as a youngster. You may already be familiar with this scriptural rosary, but if not, I exhort you to pray through these mysteries. The scriptures are the WORD of God and through this Word, we are given our individual missions in relation to our distinct vocations. Meditate on Mary's trek to Elizabeth as she traverses in haste to announce the Good News. Yes, there were obstacles and distances to travel, but nonetheless, she was not going to wait until the nativity to proclaim the saving message! She did not wait until, “ordination” to go in haste. She left RIGHT-AWAY! The New Evangelization has an urgency and calls us to live our lives at a pitch that transcends our sins and imbues us with a confidence in God's mercy, love and grace. Shame, guilt and fear have no stronghold upon us! I hope you enjoy this devotional and it be an inspiration to you to live your priesthood NOW. I pray that you have an awesome year of faith!

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